If you're quiet, you're not living. You've got to be NOISY, COLORFUL, and LIVELY.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Let it Snow...

It was continuous rain and showers the week before... So Vien and I decide to partake in what the cool weather has given to us, SNOW!  You don't see this much here in Socal so this was our chance.  The Friday night before, we couldn't stop talking about the mountains and all the snow we were going to see in Big Bear!  So the following Saturday morning, we quickly pack on the clothes and prepare our snacks... we look at each other with big smiles, anticipating our first trip to the snow together as a married couple.  With all the fun and games we had up here, this will now continue to be a once a year adventure for us.  Maybe next year, we will cut our own Christmas tree and that will be a first!  3 days till Christmas!  Happy Holidays everyone.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Am thankful for...

Just want to wish all a Happy Thanksgiving and a happy Friday!  My family, Wife and friends are what keeps me going... I am truly blessed and thankful for the life that I have.  But I believe we are all fortunate if we just continue to love and be positive.  Stay warm this holiday season, enjoy the weekend and the countdown begins till Christmas!!  1 <3

So now enjoy these cupcakes Vien and I made, compliments of Family Fun Mag!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Dinner for 2...

 Night is cold, the rain is coming and going, usually unannounced but always a good reason to stay home and cook.  Tonight we decided to cook some crab cake stuffed salmon.  As a healthy eater, it's always a challenge to come up with something healthy yet taste good at the same time... Thankfully, these came out better than I thought!

Not wanting my salmon overcooked, I baked it for about 12 minutes at 400 degrees.  This kept insides of the salmon moist and slightly under cooked, but still evenly cooked the crab cake in the center.  With a side of blanched and shocked asparagus, this meal turned out to be a hit.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

On turning 29...

Another year has passed by... so quickly that I still remember last year's birthday like it was a couple weeks ago.  But this year was special, no... not just because it's my last year in the twenties, which is also true but this is my first birthday as a married man.  No physical gift can compare to the blessing's I've received in the course of a year.  I found my true love, my soul mate and my best friend Vien.  People asked me how does it feel now that I am married and honestly, I can say nothing much has changed other than the fact that it's official and that I have my own family to look forward to.

I can now say that I am content with my life, it is everything I had ever hope and had worked for.  I am thankful that I was given such a blessed life.  I say, 'you do good, you get good.'  This I can vouch for since my life is good.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

One Month after..

Today mark's our one month Anniversary from our wedding day!  Honestly, these past 4 weeks since our wedding, has flew by so fast that I still have goosebumps that it happened.  I remember very vividly, anticipating the big day, prepping everything the night before and making sure we had everything the week before.  But even though it was a lot of work, time and money spent planning the big day, I wouldn't take back anything.  I'm just still shocked at how perfectly the night turned out as it did... It's real hard to tell when you are the one getting married since the only thing running through my mind was making sure everything was under control and that we are on time with all the scheduled events.  It's funny because even till this day, our parents still reminisce about that day with their friends.

After all these years, we've remained close friends since 2001.  I am really fortunate to have the opportunity to spend the rest of my life with my best friend.  She is my everything and this is going to be one helluvah adventure.  Stay tuned...

Monday, November 7, 2011

Be fast in the Mornin'

Call me spoiled, or not... but I remember asking my wife a couple days ago, 'you know what sounds good one of these mornings... some choco chip pancakes'  ...'Don't worry, babe one of these mornings well make some', she said with a soft spoken voice and a gleam of hope in her eyes.  But as no surprise to you readers, the photo above says I got my request!  This past weekend she surprised me with not only a plate full of my favorite choco chip pancakes, but with a glass of blended carrot n orange juice, with banana pancakes, bacon and a side of eggs (yolk to the poke too).
Yeah I know you may think, so what... it's another breakfast.  But this is special to me because breakfast is my favorite meal of the day, the delicious aroma of just cooked breakfast, the fact that we can cook together then sit and enjoy our first meal of our Saturday is just priceless.  I plan on continuing this tradition of home cooked breakfast on the weekends...  not to mention, good practice to when we plan to start a family sometime in the future. ;)

Friday, November 4, 2011

Scrappin' and loungin'

Ahh yes today is Friday, the night is young, the air is cool and perfect snuggle weather.  After dinner, Vien and I glanced over at each other, by the look in our eyes we knew we wanted to stay in tonight.  We figured we'd spend some 'us' time, quality lounge around the house time, a movie or two tonight and maybe scrapbook somethin'.  When we scrap, typically we do a page each of a particular weekend or holiday.  For example, in a typical 12x12 album, I would design the left page and Vien would design the right page.  By doing it this way, we showcase how we envisioned the weekend or that particular holiday by how we decorate it or by which pictures we choose to print and use.  The last time I remember scrapbooking was back in May 2010 when we went to Santa Barbara for our first time, to see 30 seconds to Mars concert @ the Bowl.  Yeah ages ago!

But now with all our wedding planning behind us, we now finally have the time to do what we want to do and be able to plan a whole weekends dedicated to us.  And now normal everyday life sets in, but only difference now is we are officially a married couple!  Just the ring to it, still gives me chills and I still can't believe that we made it.  In a good way of course!  But I know, we will continue to do the same things we normally would do, such as hanging out with  with family and friends, looking for new places to visit, taking hundreds of pictures, and our favorite past time, dining at new restaurants on Sunday mornings.  It's now been 4 weeks since we've been married and so far its been a blessing.  I look forward to our new family, and where the future may take us.  As a reference to Maui, on the Road to Hana, we had a saying...'its not about just finishing your journey, but its about all the stops along the way, enjoying each and every milestone along the way towards the finish... is what the journey is truly all about'

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Hello November...!

Pulling down the fake spider webs, throwing out the semi wilted pumpkins from the night before... We say good by to the month of October.  Halloween has just ended, we fold away our costumes that we plan to never use again, but what does remain are all the candies and chocolates afterwards.  Some of us, like myself continue to bring the left over sweets to work, snack throughout the day and just figure, hey might as well, it's there!

But now rolls in my favorite time of the year, Fall!  The weather is consistently cool, the trees transform into a nice shade of orange and red, the rain sprinkles in from time to time, my birthday is this month, and of course the intimate Thanksgiving dinner with my family.  The leftover food is another great thing about it!  You can have yourself some ham, turkey, stuffing, mash potato and gravy and the list goes on. But other than just the food...to me, Thanksgiving is about spending quality time with my family, talking stories, poking fun, making jokes, and the joy to watch everyone having the time of their lives, being with one another makes it all worth it.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Kung Pao and Brocolli cheddar rice

Tonight, I decided to prep dinner before Vien came home... I tore open a bag of Broccoli Cheddar rice, cooked it in boiling pot of water and added a tbsp of butter.  To compliment the rice I warmed up some leftover Kung Pao chicken we had ate from the night before.  Vien warmed up some spinach artichoke dip for our side item.  

1 bag of broccoli rice
2 cups of boiling water
1 tbsp of butter (optional)
Simmer for 7 minutes 
2  minutes to cool then serve  

The finished product of our dinner for Wednesday night.  Vien said it tasted like a soft macaroni rice but she enjoyed it!  This also marks my first blog about food so stay tuned for what I have in store next time.  Enjoy your dinner as Vien and I have and have a good night.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Trick or Treat?....

...If you want my answer to my title, hands down, the treat!!!  Euphoria travels from my taste buds to my brain... There is no other sensation that one can compare, to the way that candy makes me feel.  An addictive, yet bad habit to have as a kid, yet rewarding when taken in moderation!  Oh yeah, before I forget, Happy Halloween!  A spooky holiday that can be enjoyed by both kids and adults.  We love candy too... and we would gladly join in the festivities of walking door to door and collecting candy.  As a family tradition, well something we started maybe 2 years ago in 2009... We plan a Halloween party in conjunction with my sister n law michelle's birthday.  We choose a place to have it, typically my parents house in Corona then we all come dressed up, but the fun part of it all, is that we don't know what anybody is wearing till we show up!  Laughs are shared, compliments are given, costume roles are played out, and tons and tons of picture taking.

Since Halloween fell on a Monday this year, tonight my wife and I just plan to hand out candy, check out the cute costumes of all the kids in the neighborhood, and watch scary movies while we hang out by the front door.  Can't wait till Vien comes home, so we can light up the very scary pumpkins we carved last night ;) and listen to the kids ooh and ahh at it as they approach the front door.  Okay, only a few hours now till the sun sets and the kids start rolling out.  Happy Halloween from our family to yours, and have a safe night!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

2 Months Flash Forward

I really do need a daily alarm to notify me that it's time to blog!  But here is a quick overview of 2 months that needs documenting...

-Booked videographer for wedding (Mission Visual)
-Received my Spotify invite
-Carbon Canyon park with my Fiancee and sister Hoang
-Orange County fair to watch Neon Trees
-Did our gift registry at Williams Sonoma
-Huntington Beach Bonfire day with family
-Food tasting at the Villa our venue
-Took Fiancee to Pieology for the first time
-Picked up the 23 bottles of Hennesy for the wedding
-Read 'Sh*t My Dad Says"
-Mailed out all 160 invitations
-Had groomsmen tux fitting at Men's Wearhouse
-Laguna beach day with Fiancee, ate at Zinc and Casey's Cupcakes
-Replaced ink in Epson printer from printing invitations
-Been receiving RSVPs all of August
-Pechanga with family for Russell peters Green Card Tour
-Took Fiancee to 5 Guys Burgers for first time
-Had our Engagement shoots at UCLA
-Got my first fitted suit with Mom and Dad in Garden Grove (Viens Parents)
-Had Vien's vietnamese dress fitting
-Few Kogi food truck runs in Pomona with Fiancee
-Hung out with old High School Friend Tommy and ate kbbq
-Visited Photographer Mikal Lok to check out new designs for wedding book
-Trip to Stockton with family for Valerie & Ky's wedding
-Downloaded Plant's vs Zombies on Fiancee's iPod
-Bought a Juiceman and started juicing because of documentary fat sick and nearly dead
-Vegas trip with the boy's for my bachelor's party
-DMV for my license renewal
-Ate at Freebirds for the first time
-Took Fiancee to CPK for our usual pizza and lettuce wraps

And that about wraps up my time away from the blog.  Hope you enjoyed the flash forward to today.

~Signing off.... Jay

Thursday, July 14, 2011

-warrior mode-

Less than 3 months to go and it's time to turn it up a few notches... Time to get suited up and rock this joint!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

- time left in this world -

Be thankful for the life you have, no matter good or bad... it can easily be all yours, but can also be easily taken away from you.  Tread carefully, and love those who mean something to you.

Do everything you can, make memories of everything you do, document life's greatest moments.  Ironic that I can't even maintain this blog but I constantly do remind myself that life needs to be recorded because all we keep is the memory of the things you've done...

CHEERS to life!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Happy 4thh...

Other than having an official holiday off from work, there is more meaning to having a day to celebrate our independence day.  One is the fact that current soldiers and veterans will and have fought for our country and without them, today would probably not be possible.  The thought of fireworks on this very day, reminds me to be thankful for the freedom I have and a choice to live life according to me... We are all given a chance to be somebody successful and live a nice peaceful life, either with a wife, kids or just even a pet.  What i'm trying to say is, our life is meant to be lived as extreme as we want it, or as quiet as a tumbleweed in the wind... The control we have over our lives is so amazing yet so precious since our time on this earth is short.

I just want to say thank you to all the Americans who served and continue to serve our country a big salute, for without you... this life wouldn't have been possible.  Happy 4th of July everyone, please light a firework in tribute to the hard working men and women who made life for us all, possible.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

-constantly on my mind 2-

On a good note, I do have a pretty good life.  I have a decent job after college, great family, and the best fiancee that anyone could have or ever dream of.  Only problem, I tend to mess things up.  She has given me so many chances at having the best relationship possible but here I come messing up the family picture.  I don't know why I do the stupid crap that I do.  I mean, I am totally committed to her and really do want this to work that it's making me act so tense and nervous when we start to talk about issues.  Maybe just a flop when under pressure or just start to think so much that I want to say all the right things when in fact it should all be spoken from my heart.  I promise that it is genuine but find it so so difficult for me to express those feelings that I have deep down in my heart.  I want to be the best I can for my fiancee because all we are going to have is each other later in the future.  With kids, a house and bills to pay, we better for damn sure have a plan because there is literally no turning back from that.

I will need to be a man about decisions in my life and will need to stop acting so childish and take everything more serious.  I know I am capable of big things I just stop myself from being great, I convince myself that I can't do everything that I want and then it comes to a halt.  I start something but in the end, I never finish what I should.  I was truly humbled last night, the truth of the type of person I am was really displayed.  I got a good look at myself from outside, looking in.  It is not such a pretty sight... I look really broken, not ready and just a total mess.  It must be a pain in the neck to be with someone like me.  I don't give enough credit to the person that I am with and with my selfish personality and who cares attitude, it definitely breaks down the other person in my relationship.  I always wish and say I want to be the best man and be one to be remembered as a great guy who lived a wonderful life and be recognized and missed.  I think to myself, who is going to miss me, what great deeds have I done for anyone but myself.  I am selfish and self centered, I react so negative to comments from my parents and always act like i'm right and they are wrong.  Such a dark and lonely person resides in that body of mine and it shows.  Why can't I be happy for anyone other than myself... What has made me into this poor excuse of a person they call Jay.  I can't even hold a decent conversation with someone without thinking that when is this conversation done?  bad bad, it's not how I want to be as a person... I just want to be clear minded and be someone everyone can say good things about.

-constantly on my mind-

There is just so much going on in this mind of mine and its both bad and somewhat good.  A place to just vent and express how I feel since it is so difficult for me to express in words and in person... I hate the fact that I stutter when I really want my feelings expressed.  I don't know why my mind thinks this way, sometimes I feel so uneducated that I can't properly speak my mind and what it all means in there.  I do need some help and am willing to seek that once I find the right resources.  I also notice I may be anti social or something because its hard for me to keep a constant communication on facebook and my lack of conversation makes me feel that I am not connected to this world.  Without that, I try to compensate and do other activities like read my book, watch tv, work out, watch netflix but in my mind I know I am still disconnected from the world because I can't keep up with conversations and topics constantly populating facebook.

I can't think straight these and inside I stress out so much I just want to cry.  I feel so stupid because I haven't done anything in my life to show self worth.  Each year passes by and I look back and notice that I haven't accomplished anything huge as far as career wise.  Why do I have to be the shy person that I am that I can't even keep a solid mind towards a particular goal, not being able to express myself fully on what's going on my mind without thinking that I am being judged on how I speak and present myself.  I need a humbling experience to waken these senses and get me off the whole mindset of no you can't do anything...

Why am I the person that I am?  Why do I control this individual on earth and what is Gods purpose for me?  I think a lot about the strangest things and question why I have the flaws and particular high points about me.  Sometimes I feel like an underachiever and that life doesn't care who the hell I am and is just slipping away.  I know there is a lot of positives in my life but for some reason, I focus many of the negative things about me and let it affect my life and its entirety.  I admit, I do need help but why me... why is this thing called life so hard for me to be one in society that can be smarter than the next guy, be good and be recognized for it, be tall, be liked and not looked down on because I am a minority, be light skinned, look like just a kid and not be highly looked upon.  Everyone has their battles and I am just a weak link in society for not doing my part in being a better more loved person

Thursday, May 19, 2011

~Time waits for nobody~

So many things to learn in this life, so many accomplishments left unaccomplished, so many people to satisfy, so many places where you could be right now, many people to meet and landmarks to visit.  With life being short, and time ticking away, we need to do start considering a list of things to start doing!  Can't be lazy, can't be putting things off, can't be ignoring that life is moving even if you like it or not.  Time wait's for nobody so get with the current and plan something... No matter what you do, don't ever call it boring, or waste of time... it's something productive to somebody and the memories is what will make it worth while.  Remember, after this life,  memories are the only things we will take with us so get lost in it and start creating some!

Friday, May 13, 2011


As the coming of mid year rolls around in a few days, it's time to look back and reflect on what we have accomplished.  For most of us, and for myself... this year is truly flying by and quick!  I'll give you a quick example of one particular moment that made this such a fast year.  Last year on June 4, 2010 I asked Vien, now my Fiancee to be my girlfriend. I provided a promise ring to represent my unity and infinite love to her, then proposed to her in Laguna Beach on November 6, 2010 and now planning for an exciting wedding coming this October 8, 2011.  Its crazy to think that the two of us are going to be married people, husband and wife then who know's whats going to happen in 2012... furthering our education, going on trips, and perhaps kids??

These years just seem to fly by so fast because I am with the one I love and the fun we have when we spend it together.  When I look back in my life, I know I had to learn a lot about relationships and now that timing and fate has permitted me to meet my soul mate, I can truly enjoy life to the fullest.  I constantly look forward to what is going to happen in life for us, and the journey that we will venture into together.  But all we know and care about is that we love each other and we have great family who love and get a long with each other, and that love that we are so cute together.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

~Cudi to my ears~

Second Monday in a row that my Fiancee and I stayed out late on a weeknight with work the next day.  But I am slowly starting to get used to our little date night that day and seems like an extended 3 day weekend.  Of course, it all depends on how fast Monday morning rolls around too!  Last night was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!  Took a nap till 6:30pm drove out into the night towards Hollywood, had conversation the whole way because we were so excited to be having a date night on a weekday, got off Sunset Blvd around 8:30pm but lines were packed!! It wrapped around the whole building so we decided to grub at Bossa Nova... First time there for me and it was delicious, also because I was starving by the time we arrived.  Got to Palladium at 9:20pm, no lines and I could hear Chip tha Ripper blasting through the speakers and out onto the streets.

We get our drinks, head to center stage, meet up with Vien's coworkers/friends, introductions are made, and we patiently wait for Cudi!  Didn't take long since we arrived fashionably late, but when he came out, he made a presence and brought chills to my body.  Music was fantastic, sound system was hitting hard, and venue was nice.  Other than ppl falling around us we had a great time.  Wish during these nights that time stood still so we can party together all night.

Currently listening to: Man on the Moon: The End of Days

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

No Fun Being Sick

It sure isn't fun being sick, especially getting sick right before the weekend happens to come around!!  That is what happened to me last weekend on Friday, I stayed home and my Fiancee went to work...  Oh but that day off was very much needed, and all this rest I got over the weekend helped me get through it.  I thought that it would go away at least by Sunday but still lingered.

My Fiancee was sweet enough to just spend the whole weekend at home with me, and just be lazy together.  But this coming weekend, we going to make up for it, take pictures galore and spend all our time outside of the home.  I really can't wait to start this weekend because I spent the last one, being sick in bed.  I still am in recovery mode even today but confused on how I got sick in the first place.  I thought it might have been a fever, the flu?  Well at least flu like symptoms of shivering yet my skin and body is on fire.  Bad dreams been keeping me up so let me pray for a good night's rest tonight.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

~DUDE life is grand~

A blog that just talks about life is seems rather redundant but I can't stress enough how important it is to live your life to the fullest.  Yes, I've been victim to not living my life the way I'd like to and sometimes what people think of how silly I am get's the best of me.  Tonight, I was out with my Fiancee to the Good Charlotte concert in House of Blues (hob) and man, I know we live life 5 days a week 8hrs a day at work at it seems like that's all there is to life since that is our daily weekly grind.  But what an awakening tonight was...  I was able to be myself with her and not give a care in the world what people may have thought of me of the enjoyment I've experienced at the concert.  Tonight made me realize how important it is to just go out and be yourself.  I looked around the crowd and everyone just tried acting cool by not jumping, not raising their hands in the air.  Just standing around like wallflowers in a quiet field... It was sad, but made me come to the realization that life should be lived joyously and it's never too late to enjoy your life... Hey if i takes a shot or two, go for it.  My life needs to be lived the way I want it to be... and for me to enjoy my life, I need to be loud and carefree! Thank you Fiancee, and Good Charlotte. Good night :)

Thursday, March 17, 2011

~Super Powers~

As a kid, all of us has imagined that we were superheroes at one point and had even picked out our own super powers!  Yep that's right, but thing is... I had more than one.  If I recall back when I was around 8 or 9, I always   had wanted powers to fly!  I'd ride my bike and let go of my handle bars and act as if I was flying... Yes our imaginations as a child are so realistic that looking as an adult to a younger child is like this kid is hilarious, but when you sit and really take a look at them, you know deep in your heart it was the most wonderful thing.  As a kid, you had the imagination to be whoever you wanted to be.  That's the greatest thing we should all keep in our lives because in reality, we can truly be who we wish to be in life.  Yeah its going to take more than just imagining it, but then that's where it all starts.  As an adult, we put in the hard work as long as we are determined for the outcome we'd always loved to have or ever possibly dreamed about.

Wish we could go back to that day where we didn't have a care in the world but to get out and play.  But now as we grow up, it's time for our kids to experience all the fun we had running around, and playing outside till its dark.  We will live our childhood through our kids and that's fine by me, as long as they can share that experience when they will have children of their own.

Monday, March 14, 2011

~Never taken for granted~

Hey I am back... after a long time away from blogging, not for any reason or choice, just been busy at work when I typically write a blog.  Don't worry, I will start to pick up on writing once work gets at a pace where I can do extra curricular tasks.

As you all may or may not know, life is precious!  You may think "yeah, I know this already why are you gonna preach on about this, I have my things to worry about, bills to pay, and life is good.  But you're wrong, life is about being open to new people, always accepting what ups and downs they may be having.  I feel that behind every smile, is a story that is waiting to be heard, it's just that people don't feel comfortable talking about it.  But what happens when it's too late?  We can't go back and say "oh wait, I wanted to tell you that..." once someone passes away or can no longer reach you it's technically too late... You can't dig someone up from the grave and say "dang, I wanted to tell you that you mean so much to me" and then expect a response.  You want to leave a lasting impression on someone and once their time comes, they know you were always there for them and will go peacefully into the night.  Yes, I know its tough, I face these issues myself of not expressing as much as I want to.  I fight through this wall and know that I should be a more open person, reach out to someone who is 100 miles away just because you care about them.  These small changes make the big changes in life and by not caring what people may judge you by, will take you far in this life and success will bestow upon you.

So be confident, stand for what you believe in, tell that person you love them once more than you usually do, hug your friends, forget the handshake, just go one step beyond your comfort zone and trust me, you will live the life you were meant to have.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

"Give it all you got"

We all know that with enough time and effort we put into something, we can become an expert at it.  In life, anything is achievable and with the right tools and mindset, you can be anything you want to be.  But now comes the hard part, a lot of us can easily repeat that if you heart is in it, then you will succeed... But many of us make excuses to not accomplish the things in life that we dream of having or dream of achieving.  With this in mind, we have to decide to be successful and continue to have motivation to keep working towards that goal.  Nobody said it was going to be easy because if that were the case, then we'd all be making good money and all be having a great living.  But the only person holding us back from what we want to achieve is ourselves.  No matter how hard things get, f*ck it and produce!  Focus focus focus... get there someway.  Just DO IT!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

-Thank You-

Events in our lives do happen for a reason and knowing how blessed I've been in my life... I'd like to share a few highlights that have me saying thanks...
-To God for giving me the blessed life that I have and for the loving family, friends and fiancee that any guy would work so hard to achieve.  For the courage to spread love and joy in all the hearts of the people I know and meet in my life.
-To my best friend, who has been there for me ever since the first day I've met her and turns out, she becomes my fiancee.  For always guiding me into making the right decisions, for having such a great personality that anyone can sense she is a great person.  For sharing her life just to be a part of mine.
-To my loving parents who raised me in such a way that I became the strong and confident individual that I am today and for guiding me when I was young, of what is right and what is wrong.  For giving me the best upbringing to where I wouldn't have to struggle in life.
-To my brothers and sister, who of course has stuck by my side for my entire life, for giving me an unconditional love and friendship.  That any time I need help or someone to just hang out with, they would not hesitate to come see me.
-To my new parents in law, sisters and brothers in law that even though we may not be of exact blood type family, you mean just as much to me as my brother, sister, mother and father.  For accepting me into your family and for accepting everything that I hold dear to me, as a part of your life.
-To my nieces and nephews, it's so great to see you grow up from a tiny grain of sand to the beautiful nieces and nephews you are today.  You bring joy in not only your parents hearts but in my heart for having a smile every time you get so see your uncle and knowing that you look up to us for guidance and courage.
-To my cousins, even though you guys all may be long distant, you hold a place in my heart and will always be considered family, a brother, a sister, and a truly a friend.  May we lead the new generation of our family names and make it a life to remember.
-To my friends, for considering me a friend and for all the jokes and laughs we will share in our lives.  For any advice or just to kick it, as long as we continue to remain friends no matter how long we don't talk or even see each other.


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

~Fun for my thumbs~.*

Aside from all of the love and emotional blogs, which I do love talking about because its always on my mind.  I'm feeling kinda gamey which yes, is not a word but its an emotion!  See, you shouldn't believe everything you read because it could possibly not make sense.  Even my fiancee notice that I can't resist Fallout for some reason which I can't even explain myself, because last night I was downloading the soundtrack of the game and expressing how cool and 50's it sounds.  It could even be how the vaultboy looks so cool and cartoony, or maybe since its the only game that interests me at the moment.  Who know's, we can draw conclusions all day and speaking of all day, I could go on and on... all day.  Here's some cool cartoon images from vault boy himself!  Gadd zoooks, they need a new installment already sheesh!!  Check out my two platinums on PS3 network: power_Ov5.  SHEA BOY!

-Family Time-

After the lovely following weekend of Vien and I, engagement party, comes yet again the second UFC event of the year for our family gathering.  It may sound cheesy but hey, it's another day and excuse to hang out with family with a reason.  The fight is this Saturday and FINALLY we are all rooting for the same guy, Belfort!  Looks like it's going to be an upset for Silva, but well soon find out.  But before all that happens, we have Chinese New Years!!  Also fun to gather with family, but a blast for children since they get tiny red envelopes enclosed with monaaaaay!  That reminds me, Vien and need to makes some for the nieces and nephews.  Can't wait for the weekend already then the following is Valentines Day!  Which also happens to be my fiancee's favorite holiday.  Hurry up day!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

~A choooo~

I've stopped counting the times I've already sneezed all day.  The mix of the Santa Ana winds and the drastic change in weather has got me feeling under the weather.  Not sure if I picked it up from somebody at work but I know a nice shot of nyquil seems to be in order.  At least it hasn't got to the point where I can't taste my food or a fever that makes you shiver on the inside but your body temperature is blazing on the outside.  Aside from the box of napkins to the left of me, allergies got nothin' on me.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

~Breakfast for the soul~

Oh the sheer joy of waking up early in the morning, on a sunny weekend day, with more than enough time to enjoy a wonderful breakfast with the one's we love.  My all time favorite, chocolate chip pancakes!!  As you might have noticed from the small image above.  Wow, who could blame me, just look at how scrumptious that looks.  For one, you don't need syrup, don't bother with the jelly, love the texture and flavor the chocolate chips give.  Yumm, just thought i'd let my stomach write this blog.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

~Together as two~

I love how we can do our own thing, yet still feel accompanied by each other.  It's still considered spending time with each other when I grab my PS3 controller to play a video game, or even when you pick up a magazine to read.  You mentioned that every once in awhile, time for yourself is necessary, but just knowing we are just near each other is comforting.  This is what I love about us.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

~Le Bronco~

Things, people and places do come across your life for a reason.  But it truly is fate when you meet a certain person at the right moment, right time, and right place.   That's where California Polytechic University, Pomona comes in.  If I have never attended that school, and if Vien chose not to finish college here, who know's where we both would be in life and relationship.  But guess what... we both came here for our college education,  two completely different majors, different core classes, different time schedules, different lives, but then BANG!  All it took was one class together.  I know I've told Vien the story millions of times from my point of view but from the moment I saw her, I knew she was someone special, someone beautiful and someone I knew I had to get to know.  Surprisingly, all it took was one class and the dream of having a beautiful lady like Vien, soon became a reality.  I do believe in love and that it is here for everyone.  But to love someone is to do it unconditionally and truthfully to where each person enjoys each other's company no matter what.  But will come at different times in peoples lives and this is where patience pays off.  It's so crazy, in your heart and mind, you just know its the right person, yes call me crazy but if you test the waters and take a risk at it, things in your life can change considerably for the better and begin to truly enjoy the one life we have on this earth.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Who could ask for more... my fiancee, the most caring and understanding person that you will ever meet, a family who is not only your blood, but also your bestest friends who no matter what, can be there for you anytime you need them, a great job that takes care of any needs and wants you may have, a healthy lifestyle that is rewarding as long as you keep focus and continue to work at it, a positive outlook on life that is scheduled so not much time is ever wasted, and a life partner to have a life together working together for the best outlook on the future.  Always continue to strive for the best because you have one life and its only the memories that you take with you.

Friday, January 7, 2011

-Business Plan-

Ideas have been brainstorming in my head and I had come up with a brilliant idea.  Yes, through the brainstorm of developing what I wanted to accomplish this year, I had stumbled upon a business venture that I plan to take head on and not look back.  From not even researching, to just having the thought in my mind, this is not going to be a walk in the park.  There is programming involved and thinking of the perfect application can get messy.  My idea is to start developing Applications for Iphone and Android!  Yeah, call me crazy but this is a booming industry.  Just do research on CES (Consumer Electronics Show) 2011, and tell me what is the latest craze in mobile technology.  Yes exactly, tablets and smartphones... And what are those technologies best known for?  YES applications!... Well this is just the beginning, lets hope that it turns into something amazing... Hint* angry birds & plants vs zombies.  Sold, i'm there!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

-Clean slate new hobbies-

The start to a brand new year!  2011, you came so quick and now time to set myself straight, schedule new hobbies, new goals and sticking to them for the rest of the year.  My main goal is to always better myself by learning new things, meeting new fascinating people, and being a more outspoken individual.  My first thought is to always leave a legacy but the hard part is making it happen.  So I came out with a few things that I wanted to do for the new year that by the end of the year, I can look back and say wow, I did all that.  Enjoy.  These are in no way shape or form, in any order of priority, just my list that I will see what I can accomplish.  I want to learn to play the guitar, start painting portraits, get into photography, start my own business, gain up to 175lbs of muscle, learn how to kickbox, jiu jitsu or any other form of martial arts, plant a tree, rock climb, sky dive, get a tattoo, get my own place, get Married to my best friend, start a family, start reading books, etc.  Sky is truly the limit

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

-Lucky Number Se7en-

Happy "Ask Vien to be my girlfriend" Anniversary!  I <3 you sweetheart

Monday, January 3, 2011

-Year that will change the rest of my life-

Talk about the most significant year for the rest of my life.  Yep, 2011... I would never have thought, marriage, the start of a new family for Vien and I.  My best friend who has stuck with me through thick and thin, by luck, we crossed path's and together we united.  First and foremost, I want to thank God for giving me this blessed opportunity to have a loving and caring person such as Vien into my life, then comes my family, for they are the ones who made me strong and the great person I am today, my friends who I can turn to for encouragement and for a reality check on how important life is, and of course my fiancee, for she has been there since day one and I will never forget all you have done for me, continue to do for me and for new memories we are going to create.  Time to take this year by the horns because its going to be a fast, and wild one... Just one step at a time.