If you're quiet, you're not living. You've got to be NOISY, COLORFUL, and LIVELY.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

.Xmas work week kept short.

Officially today is Tuesday, but since I only have a 3 day work week... it's my Thursday!  For some reason on short weeks, the day just goes by at a snail pace!  Or the fact that everyone is on vacation, there is hardly any work because everyone already peaced out to celebrate this Christmas week.  I actually like it this way, the work day is quiet, oh and the freeway?? Absolutely picture perfect!  No waiting metering light to enter the freeway, no lines, just jump right on and an open freeway with open spaces without having to fight your way in.  We have the few morons who brake for no reason but who can I be mad at, the streets have an inch of water on them.  You lucky the rain covers up your lame excuse to be driving in the first place!  Sorry had to vent, I just hate when people press their damn brakes every second and there is nobody in front of them for miles!  Holy crap man go stay home and chill out and don't piss off drivers like me... Or even those people who's brake lights don't even work or the ones that stay bright so it looks like they are riding their brakes the whole way! Ahhh I'm doing it again lol. Okay so here are some Christmas stocking making my fiancee and I did in Hoang's room.  Thanks for letting us barrow your glitter gel pens!  Tune in next time, for pictures of our very first, limited edition, custom made Gingerbread house!

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