If you're quiet, you're not living. You've got to be NOISY, COLORFUL, and LIVELY.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

"They Gon Judge"

-Us against all odds-

A best friend is someone you can trust, with even your deepest most frightful secrets with because you know that the other person will keep it safe in their hearts and always find a way to comfort you about it.  These individuals will continue to have your back in any situation, right or wrong.  It's not a matter of being correct, it's a matter of standing ground for the one you love and being there for them even at their worst.  Word's can't describe the value I hold in my friendship and relationship with my fiancĂ©e.  Just like Buzz and Woody on Toy Story, they are pals till the very end... Yeah they might have their differences, and occasional head butts, but they know they have each other to both rely on.  If its playing games, hanging out, or even saving the world from evil, they remain on the same side and give every effort to make life that much easier for their best friend.  Like they all say, you can't spell "us" without "u" and the most important ingredient in our harmonious relationship is you.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

.Xmas work week kept short.

Officially today is Tuesday, but since I only have a 3 day work week... it's my Thursday!  For some reason on short weeks, the day just goes by at a snail pace!  Or the fact that everyone is on vacation, there is hardly any work because everyone already peaced out to celebrate this Christmas week.  I actually like it this way, the work day is quiet, oh and the freeway?? Absolutely picture perfect!  No waiting metering light to enter the freeway, no lines, just jump right on and an open freeway with open spaces without having to fight your way in.  We have the few morons who brake for no reason but who can I be mad at, the streets have an inch of water on them.  You lucky the rain covers up your lame excuse to be driving in the first place!  Sorry had to vent, I just hate when people press their damn brakes every second and there is nobody in front of them for miles!  Holy crap man go stay home and chill out and don't piss off drivers like me... Or even those people who's brake lights don't even work or the ones that stay bright so it looks like they are riding their brakes the whole way! Ahhh I'm doing it again lol. Okay so here are some Christmas stocking making my fiancee and I did in Hoang's room.  Thanks for letting us barrow your glitter gel pens!  Tune in next time, for pictures of our very first, limited edition, custom made Gingerbread house!

Friday, December 17, 2010

~Friday is upon us~

Lets do the math, Okay, for those of you with the sountrack of moans and groans, and I graduated, I don't need math anymore, just hear me out this one last time...So 1 week of rain + 1 trip to mountains = 2 much fun to be had in the snow!  Ahaha, yeah that was bit cheesy but look who's going up to the snow this weekend??  That's right, living large on the white capped mountains of Big Bear.  From tubing down the slopes with trash can lids, insulated tubes, or any form of disc like objects that will have us sliding downhill.  But before all the action goes down this weekend, tonight is date night with my fiancee.  This includes dinner and a movie.  Tonights movie is between Tron Legacy and Fighter.  I don't mind which one we choose, I'm excruciatingly happy to continue having a date night till marriage and beyond.  Lets not have past times be a thing of the past, but to constantly remind each other that we are in this for each other and with business always comes pleasure.  ALWAYS.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

for the weekend

I have three best friends that anybody can have!  LOL

. My Best .

Ever wonder what its like to be with the one person you are destined to be with?...  Do you ponder that one day, one day you will come across that person who will love you back unconditionally?  Crazy how in life there are over 6 billion people and there is only one individual you are meant to have in your life.  To experience the type of friendship and companionship goes beyond measure when you find that person.  I can honestly say that I've never felt so much love and compassion for the woman in my life, and will not ever trade that for anything in the entire world.  The excitement I feel when I know I will see her that day and the thoughts of missing her when she's not in my presence.  The feeling that even though we see each other everyday, gives me anticipation for the countdown of the final hours and minutes till we reunite again.  My most favorite part of my day is when we lay in bed, either asleep or awake, we find a way to be in each other arms again, then sleep gently into the night.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

-Feeling Jolly-

tic toc... Oh my, ten more days till Christmas!  I still can't believe how fast this year has went by.  Over 3000+ pictures taken, more than 100+ videos recorded, and a lifetime of memories created with my fiancee.  Let me just say and get this out of the way, "life is great".  I believe that everyone has the opportunity to enjoy life's greatest moments.  Every time Christmas rolls around, it makes me think of my childhood where I'd wake up early in the morning, anticipating all the gifts downstairs and rudely waken them up.  It's crazy to think of how much we've all grown up since that time and how much Christmas meant to us as a child.  I want to continue that tradition when I begin my family with kids.  At the rate things are going now, I can honestly say this life will go at blazing speeds.  Love my family, love my life, and love my soon to be wife.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

-Weekend with family-

Fight of the century.  UFC has been a great excuse to hang out with family, to get together watch a good fight, cheer, laugh and joke around.  My fiancee noticed that my brother Chris loves family time and how can I blame him?  Family will always have your back and will always be there for you no matter the situation.  I'm glad to have a loving and caring family and it humbles me to always continue to thank God for what I have and for what he continues to give me.  These moments will continue to burn like wildfire as long as we can continue to find more ways and excuses to see each other.  One love, one hug, one kiss, and im out like this.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Initial Planning Phases Wedding pt2

"This is it!"  The choice of words, said by my fiancee once we left the Villa.  This was actually the first place we've checked out for a venue.  Not to mention the research and study done from computer first.  But after all the certain choices we had in mind, this place had it all.  Our planner was about our age so it was easy to discuss the style of wedding we wanted then it all came together.  The venue covers everything from ceremony, to food, to lighting and drapes, open bar and centerpieces!  We still have to take care of the cake, entertainment -DJ, and officiant but atleast majority of our costs are all part of the venue cost.  I'm no pro with weddings but these seems like a great deal and having all the costs breaks puts every detail into perspective.  I know we still have many questions down to the minor detail but for the most part, everything seems to be coming in order.  As far as the wedding date, we changed quite a few times but I think my baby and I are set on Saturday 10/8/11.  After we finalize the detail with our planner at the Villa, a down payment of $2k guarantees our date.  Such a heavy load taken off my shoulders and now its crunch time... Save money and crack the whip on working out.  Till then, our next major milestone in the beauty of planning!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

-It's that time again-

The first day of the month, many things to look forward to, things to do before the year ends, and oh the most favorite month of the year for many.  Welcome December, the month of gifts, family times, sharing and creating new memories and the moment of giving.  Just when Thanksgiving finishes, Christmas time arrives... It's a love, hate issue for me.  These are the two best holidays of the year yet the are at the very end of the year. So that means I have to wait this long to celebrate them.  But it sure is worth the wait, when you spend it with the right person and have a loving family to celebrate it with.  This year is special for me since it will be my fiancee and I, first Christmas together!  I am so grateful for everything this life has blessed me with and with the arrival of December, I thank God for another wonderful year, much happiness and joy has came upon me.  Next year will definately be a whole new experience and perspective... Many new trials to encounter being a fiancee and the upcoming celebration to marriage.  This looks to be the busiest year but also the most rewarding.