If you're quiet, you're not living. You've got to be NOISY, COLORFUL, and LIVELY.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

NPR keeps me goin

The dreaded drive home from Anaheim back to Corona requires taking the 91 freeway back home at a critical time.  Yep, you guessed it, congested traffic.  There are good and their are bad times when the freeway remains clear til I hit about Green River but that cuts about 10 miles of what could've of been traffic, or what my girlfriend calls it, "a parking lot" haha.  Yeah sometimes it never moves or we just creep at about a 5 mph pace.  Good thing my commute is 15 miles total, but sometimes that still can add up to about 45 minutes to an hour.  I know I needed something good to listen to while i sit in traffic 5 days a week and I thought, hey... my ipod is great that will get me through my time in traffic.  But realistically, that ipod can only go so far.  No matter how many albums I add on there, the content will never be new but don't get me wrong, this device works wonders when I go on road trips.  So as I flip through stations, blehh, those local stations like kiis fm or power 106 can get tiresome, playing the tunes that are currently number one or what is currently on today's billboards.  So as a tune down a few more stations, I come across 89.3.  I'm sure all of the columnist are great but one segment between 1pm-3pm is Patt Morrison.  She has great coverage on all topics that we face in this world and also reviews on peoples books.  Discussion includes going over what an author has written to taking calls from listeners on what their opinions are on certain topics.  This is what calms and interests me during my traffic days.  What gets you?

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