If you're quiet, you're not living. You've got to be NOISY, COLORFUL, and LIVELY.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

NPR keeps me goin

The dreaded drive home from Anaheim back to Corona requires taking the 91 freeway back home at a critical time.  Yep, you guessed it, congested traffic.  There are good and their are bad times when the freeway remains clear til I hit about Green River but that cuts about 10 miles of what could've of been traffic, or what my girlfriend calls it, "a parking lot" haha.  Yeah sometimes it never moves or we just creep at about a 5 mph pace.  Good thing my commute is 15 miles total, but sometimes that still can add up to about 45 minutes to an hour.  I know I needed something good to listen to while i sit in traffic 5 days a week and I thought, hey... my ipod is great that will get me through my time in traffic.  But realistically, that ipod can only go so far.  No matter how many albums I add on there, the content will never be new but don't get me wrong, this device works wonders when I go on road trips.  So as I flip through stations, blehh, those local stations like kiis fm or power 106 can get tiresome, playing the tunes that are currently number one or what is currently on today's billboards.  So as a tune down a few more stations, I come across 89.3.  I'm sure all of the columnist are great but one segment between 1pm-3pm is Patt Morrison.  She has great coverage on all topics that we face in this world and also reviews on peoples books.  Discussion includes going over what an author has written to taking calls from listeners on what their opinions are on certain topics.  This is what calms and interests me during my traffic days.  What gets you?

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Life can be Amazing

So the extremely fun filled weekend in San Francisco has just passed... A good 3 days to spend up North with my gf was truly the highlight of the month.  The time we get to spend together on weekends for just the two of us is rare with all the people to see, things to do with family and friends make this opportunity much looked forward to.  Life just takes you by surprise and can be a real blessing when you let the the waves take you away and go with the flow.  My advice is to just be yourself with the special one you love and everything will fall into place.  Trust me, I am living proof and the comfort level you share with your loved one will be a real treasure.  Let the other person love you for who you are because everyone loves a person who is humble, and themselves.  No reason to act like somebody you aren't.  Halfway through the week and about 30 mins left of work.  Life is always good with the right person.  I'm glad I found that person.

Friday, September 17, 2010

And next stop, the bay

So the long awaited journey is finally approaching... I know it may not seem like a big deal, "oh SF what's the big deal?!"  The big deal is we been planning this since the beginning of the year and finally get to have a weekend to ourselves where we aren't busy doing errands or favors for every person and their dogs every weekend.  We've taken trips to La Jolla, San Diego, Santa Barbara and each time, (call me strange) but I look forward to the road trip!  Ahaha, yeah it's a good time to talk about anything and everything.   This opens up a new avenue of topics and since you have 7 hours, you can learn a lot about the other person since all attention is directed to each other...  I've already went up to the bay with my gf and we shared the same ipod and was able to listen to the same music, then when we wanted to stop listening we would talk up a storm.  Good times to reminisce when you do things with the person you truly love.  Memories are the only thing we take with us for the rest of our lives... So make the best of it, I know I am.

Oh, on a more brighter note: Happy 30th Anniversary to Vien's parents!  May your love and relationship last for many more years to come!  Enjoy,  love you guys!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Patience is a virtue...

This should explain my weekdays at home.  Just want to say thanks to my gf for being patient with me.  I've been consumed with this Fallout 3 for a week now.  This goes beyond me playing games though... the whole point is that a gf/bf can be understanding in a relationship as long as everything is communicated between both people in the relationship.  Once you get to an understanding of each other, you can continue to grow more and more in love with each other.  We let each other do what we love to do and feel free to speak up when something does bother us.  This is what gets me going, she is my drug.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Day dreaming...

Happy hump day!  Yep it's mid week and all I can think of is San Francisco this weekend!  There is so much to do and so little time so we decided to take Monday off and stay from Saturday Morning to Monday afternoon.  We have been meaning to come back up to the Bay all year and the time has finally come.  The anticipation is killing me and I just want it to be Saturday morning already... That's 4 in the morning to be more exact, so we can check in at the W and have time to do have lunch in Fishermans Wharf and hit the scene by noon.  It was cute because my gf was all excited what jackets and scarfs to bring because the weather is going to be chilly up there and now is our chance to dress up all warm and hot looking.  My goal in SF is to alreast visit the heart at Union Square, maybe ride some cable cars, and have pictures in front of the Golden Gate Bridge.  Got about 8 minutes left at work so i'll leave it on this note... Countdown still remains 57 hours left til our departure on the drive up to SF!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Back on track

"U won't believe this, but i'm exiting"  time check, 5:43pm.  Wait, this msg from babe would usually be around 6:30 by that time.  But hey, i'm not complaining... means more time with my gf.   So it's been about a week since we worked out together, and my food choices this past weekend weren't so great.  Family parties can crash and burn your hard earned workouts and its back to square one on Monday.  I know this has been an ongoing battle of trying to workout hard during the week, then just eating freely on the weekends.  But last night, this came to screeching halt and put my foot down, deciding to eat good all week and make a tub of delicious salad that will last us for a few lunches and dinners all week.  The variety of options is limitless for creating a great salad.  We added raisins, jamaica slices, juicy tomatos, red onions, cashews, corn off the cobb, chicken strips, and boiled egg slices.  With all these added ingredients, it was uncessary to even add any dressing.  Dinner was satisfying and not filling at all, which left us an hour before our workout.  We back on track for the week and thats how its done!

Monday, September 13, 2010

One of those Mondays'

You know that feeling you get on Sunday when you wish it was still Saturday and that you had another day to just sleep into the next day and wake up at 10am or even 12pm?... Yep, it just drops your enthusiasm and fatigue kicks in.  But hey, I can't complain because I had a weekend full of plans but sure wouldn't hurt to have another Monday off like the past weekend of Labor Day.  Let's relive the weekend once more so that's why this blog was created on, yeah... one of those lazy Mondays.  For me, the weather always sets the mood for me on the weekends, lucky me, it stayed fairly cool i'd say around mid 70's.  Yeah, my body temperature tends to stay high no matter how hot or cool it is... wierd.  Anyway, Friday was interesting... had a last minute text from my gf Vien saying "we goin to J Lounge"  it was nice to know we had a plan for Friday and those last minute, spur of the moment, type plans always makes it that much more exciting.  So we head over to Vien's house and blam! We bustin out the bling, tailored suits, mouth dropping skirts on the ladies and a fly 5 series to transport to DTLA.  Night turned out awesome, free entrance, six rounds of free shots, and a night with 3 beautiful women.  Wow life is grand... 
Oh amazing Saturday, we have long awaited for you all week.  The chance to sleep in til 10am commenced and I was fully rested... We are about to have lunch with Vien's fam then WHAM!.. blind sided by an unexpected call from Mom of a change of plans for Alex's Suprise birthday party.  Wow, seems like the suprise was so good that even I didn't know the actual date of his suprise party.  All turned out well, we met the rest of the gang at a park near there house and enjoyed catered tacooos!  Carne Asada, bbq poke, and schiken was the menu... owned about 5 tacos, then played volleyball, watch pinata wacking, and all caravaned to alex's place for gifts.  Hectic day, but turned out good because I'm good! lol  Anyway onto Sunday...
And finally, the blues of Sunday kick in, but wait there's more!... So the cancelled plan for Saturday carried over to Sunday and had a lovely lunch with Vien's family.  Beef stew was a request I had made, and guess what, Mom had cooked us beef stew!  What great parents Vien and I have.. such loving and caring parents that they would do anything for us.  After lunch, we hung out with Hoang got some pro nail artwork done and was suprised with a Mickey on my big toe... took a few tries, made my toes black, but I let my babe practice... Sweet bf?. aww thanks!  No my babe pampers me, so I am the lucky one and she is the sweet one.  So after the nice relaxing day of pampering, we rush to get home by 4pm for previous commitments to watch Resident Evil Afterlife in 3D.  Wow, that movie was awesome.  It was my a devirginization of my 3D experience in a theater and I must say, it was a good experience.  Action movies seem best for this type of technology... I couldn't picture them playing a love story on 3D that would be lame.  After the movies, the bro's and sis' made a 2 minute drive to BJs for laughs, beers, and pizzas.  Talk about nonstop laughter all through the night and got so loud that I heard them laughing from the restroom.  Crazy family times is all I can say... Anyway my time here is short for I have about 1.5 hrs left at work. See you on the flip side!