If you're quiet, you're not living. You've got to be NOISY, COLORFUL, and LIVELY.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

~A choooo~

I've stopped counting the times I've already sneezed all day.  The mix of the Santa Ana winds and the drastic change in weather has got me feeling under the weather.  Not sure if I picked it up from somebody at work but I know a nice shot of nyquil seems to be in order.  At least it hasn't got to the point where I can't taste my food or a fever that makes you shiver on the inside but your body temperature is blazing on the outside.  Aside from the box of napkins to the left of me, allergies got nothin' on me.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

~Breakfast for the soul~

Oh the sheer joy of waking up early in the morning, on a sunny weekend day, with more than enough time to enjoy a wonderful breakfast with the one's we love.  My all time favorite, chocolate chip pancakes!!  As you might have noticed from the small image above.  Wow, who could blame me, just look at how scrumptious that looks.  For one, you don't need syrup, don't bother with the jelly, love the texture and flavor the chocolate chips give.  Yumm, just thought i'd let my stomach write this blog.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

~Together as two~

I love how we can do our own thing, yet still feel accompanied by each other.  It's still considered spending time with each other when I grab my PS3 controller to play a video game, or even when you pick up a magazine to read.  You mentioned that every once in awhile, time for yourself is necessary, but just knowing we are just near each other is comforting.  This is what I love about us.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

~Le Bronco~

Things, people and places do come across your life for a reason.  But it truly is fate when you meet a certain person at the right moment, right time, and right place.   That's where California Polytechic University, Pomona comes in.  If I have never attended that school, and if Vien chose not to finish college here, who know's where we both would be in life and relationship.  But guess what... we both came here for our college education,  two completely different majors, different core classes, different time schedules, different lives, but then BANG!  All it took was one class together.  I know I've told Vien the story millions of times from my point of view but from the moment I saw her, I knew she was someone special, someone beautiful and someone I knew I had to get to know.  Surprisingly, all it took was one class and the dream of having a beautiful lady like Vien, soon became a reality.  I do believe in love and that it is here for everyone.  But to love someone is to do it unconditionally and truthfully to where each person enjoys each other's company no matter what.  But will come at different times in peoples lives and this is where patience pays off.  It's so crazy, in your heart and mind, you just know its the right person, yes call me crazy but if you test the waters and take a risk at it, things in your life can change considerably for the better and begin to truly enjoy the one life we have on this earth.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Who could ask for more... my fiancee, the most caring and understanding person that you will ever meet, a family who is not only your blood, but also your bestest friends who no matter what, can be there for you anytime you need them, a great job that takes care of any needs and wants you may have, a healthy lifestyle that is rewarding as long as you keep focus and continue to work at it, a positive outlook on life that is scheduled so not much time is ever wasted, and a life partner to have a life together working together for the best outlook on the future.  Always continue to strive for the best because you have one life and its only the memories that you take with you.

Friday, January 7, 2011

-Business Plan-

Ideas have been brainstorming in my head and I had come up with a brilliant idea.  Yes, through the brainstorm of developing what I wanted to accomplish this year, I had stumbled upon a business venture that I plan to take head on and not look back.  From not even researching, to just having the thought in my mind, this is not going to be a walk in the park.  There is programming involved and thinking of the perfect application can get messy.  My idea is to start developing Applications for Iphone and Android!  Yeah, call me crazy but this is a booming industry.  Just do research on CES (Consumer Electronics Show) 2011, and tell me what is the latest craze in mobile technology.  Yes exactly, tablets and smartphones... And what are those technologies best known for?  YES applications!... Well this is just the beginning, lets hope that it turns into something amazing... Hint* angry birds & plants vs zombies.  Sold, i'm there!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

-Clean slate new hobbies-

The start to a brand new year!  2011, you came so quick and now time to set myself straight, schedule new hobbies, new goals and sticking to them for the rest of the year.  My main goal is to always better myself by learning new things, meeting new fascinating people, and being a more outspoken individual.  My first thought is to always leave a legacy but the hard part is making it happen.  So I came out with a few things that I wanted to do for the new year that by the end of the year, I can look back and say wow, I did all that.  Enjoy.  These are in no way shape or form, in any order of priority, just my list that I will see what I can accomplish.  I want to learn to play the guitar, start painting portraits, get into photography, start my own business, gain up to 175lbs of muscle, learn how to kickbox, jiu jitsu or any other form of martial arts, plant a tree, rock climb, sky dive, get a tattoo, get my own place, get Married to my best friend, start a family, start reading books, etc.  Sky is truly the limit

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

-Lucky Number Se7en-

Happy "Ask Vien to be my girlfriend" Anniversary!  I <3 you sweetheart

Monday, January 3, 2011

-Year that will change the rest of my life-

Talk about the most significant year for the rest of my life.  Yep, 2011... I would never have thought, marriage, the start of a new family for Vien and I.  My best friend who has stuck with me through thick and thin, by luck, we crossed path's and together we united.  First and foremost, I want to thank God for giving me this blessed opportunity to have a loving and caring person such as Vien into my life, then comes my family, for they are the ones who made me strong and the great person I am today, my friends who I can turn to for encouragement and for a reality check on how important life is, and of course my fiancee, for she has been there since day one and I will never forget all you have done for me, continue to do for me and for new memories we are going to create.  Time to take this year by the horns because its going to be a fast, and wild one... Just one step at a time.