If you're quiet, you're not living. You've got to be NOISY, COLORFUL, and LIVELY.

Friday, January 20, 2012

There are always opportunities

20 days into the new year, I still can't wrap my head around it being 2012.  There were times during work where I would still put 2011 when I date projects.  But A new year, a new outlook into what's to come in the future and great opportunities to try new things, change old habits and always work to be better a you.    For me, I chose to pursue a few new things that I've always considered, but never took the time to make it happen.  This year, I plan to learn the guitar to a new level of playing *cough* Jack Johnson *cough*.   That's shooting fairly high but I would sure love to play like he does.  Another goal I want to achieve is to get into Photography.  I have always wanted to buy a DSLR camera and had always put it off, so this year I plan to get one ( Just got it Wednesday!) and shoot as a 'enthusiast'.  Third, I want to maintain working out and eating right.  That sounds like everybody's goal nowadays but it's those who continue to push and pursue, are the ones who will achieve results.

Some advice for this year, is if you really want something, go get it.  There's nothing or nobody that can hold you back except for yourself.  Go fearless into the night!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Let it Snow...

It was continuous rain and showers the week before... So Vien and I decide to partake in what the cool weather has given to us, SNOW!  You don't see this much here in Socal so this was our chance.  The Friday night before, we couldn't stop talking about the mountains and all the snow we were going to see in Big Bear!  So the following Saturday morning, we quickly pack on the clothes and prepare our snacks... we look at each other with big smiles, anticipating our first trip to the snow together as a married couple.  With all the fun and games we had up here, this will now continue to be a once a year adventure for us.  Maybe next year, we will cut our own Christmas tree and that will be a first!  3 days till Christmas!  Happy Holidays everyone.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Am thankful for...

Just want to wish all a Happy Thanksgiving and a happy Friday!  My family, Wife and friends are what keeps me going... I am truly blessed and thankful for the life that I have.  But I believe we are all fortunate if we just continue to love and be positive.  Stay warm this holiday season, enjoy the weekend and the countdown begins till Christmas!!  1 <3

So now enjoy these cupcakes Vien and I made, compliments of Family Fun Mag!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Dinner for 2...

 Night is cold, the rain is coming and going, usually unannounced but always a good reason to stay home and cook.  Tonight we decided to cook some crab cake stuffed salmon.  As a healthy eater, it's always a challenge to come up with something healthy yet taste good at the same time... Thankfully, these came out better than I thought!

Not wanting my salmon overcooked, I baked it for about 12 minutes at 400 degrees.  This kept insides of the salmon moist and slightly under cooked, but still evenly cooked the crab cake in the center.  With a side of blanched and shocked asparagus, this meal turned out to be a hit.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

On turning 29...

Another year has passed by... so quickly that I still remember last year's birthday like it was a couple weeks ago.  But this year was special, no... not just because it's my last year in the twenties, which is also true but this is my first birthday as a married man.  No physical gift can compare to the blessing's I've received in the course of a year.  I found my true love, my soul mate and my best friend Vien.  People asked me how does it feel now that I am married and honestly, I can say nothing much has changed other than the fact that it's official and that I have my own family to look forward to.

I can now say that I am content with my life, it is everything I had ever hope and had worked for.  I am thankful that I was given such a blessed life.  I say, 'you do good, you get good.'  This I can vouch for since my life is good.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

One Month after..

Today mark's our one month Anniversary from our wedding day!  Honestly, these past 4 weeks since our wedding, has flew by so fast that I still have goosebumps that it happened.  I remember very vividly, anticipating the big day, prepping everything the night before and making sure we had everything the week before.  But even though it was a lot of work, time and money spent planning the big day, I wouldn't take back anything.  I'm just still shocked at how perfectly the night turned out as it did... It's real hard to tell when you are the one getting married since the only thing running through my mind was making sure everything was under control and that we are on time with all the scheduled events.  It's funny because even till this day, our parents still reminisce about that day with their friends.

After all these years, we've remained close friends since 2001.  I am really fortunate to have the opportunity to spend the rest of my life with my best friend.  She is my everything and this is going to be one helluvah adventure.  Stay tuned...