If you're quiet, you're not living. You've got to be NOISY, COLORFUL, and LIVELY.

Friday, January 20, 2012

There are always opportunities

20 days into the new year, I still can't wrap my head around it being 2012.  There were times during work where I would still put 2011 when I date projects.  But A new year, a new outlook into what's to come in the future and great opportunities to try new things, change old habits and always work to be better a you.    For me, I chose to pursue a few new things that I've always considered, but never took the time to make it happen.  This year, I plan to learn the guitar to a new level of playing *cough* Jack Johnson *cough*.   That's shooting fairly high but I would sure love to play like he does.  Another goal I want to achieve is to get into Photography.  I have always wanted to buy a DSLR camera and had always put it off, so this year I plan to get one ( Just got it Wednesday!) and shoot as a 'enthusiast'.  Third, I want to maintain working out and eating right.  That sounds like everybody's goal nowadays but it's those who continue to push and pursue, are the ones who will achieve results.

Some advice for this year, is if you really want something, go get it.  There's nothing or nobody that can hold you back except for yourself.  Go fearless into the night!