If you're quiet, you're not living. You've got to be NOISY, COLORFUL, and LIVELY.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

-warrior mode-

Less than 3 months to go and it's time to turn it up a few notches... Time to get suited up and rock this joint!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

- time left in this world -

Be thankful for the life you have, no matter good or bad... it can easily be all yours, but can also be easily taken away from you.  Tread carefully, and love those who mean something to you.

Do everything you can, make memories of everything you do, document life's greatest moments.  Ironic that I can't even maintain this blog but I constantly do remind myself that life needs to be recorded because all we keep is the memory of the things you've done...

CHEERS to life!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Happy 4thh...

Other than having an official holiday off from work, there is more meaning to having a day to celebrate our independence day.  One is the fact that current soldiers and veterans will and have fought for our country and without them, today would probably not be possible.  The thought of fireworks on this very day, reminds me to be thankful for the freedom I have and a choice to live life according to me... We are all given a chance to be somebody successful and live a nice peaceful life, either with a wife, kids or just even a pet.  What i'm trying to say is, our life is meant to be lived as extreme as we want it, or as quiet as a tumbleweed in the wind... The control we have over our lives is so amazing yet so precious since our time on this earth is short.

I just want to say thank you to all the Americans who served and continue to serve our country a big salute, for without you... this life wouldn't have been possible.  Happy 4th of July everyone, please light a firework in tribute to the hard working men and women who made life for us all, possible.