If you're quiet, you're not living. You've got to be NOISY, COLORFUL, and LIVELY.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

.Stop and smell the roses.

Ever think about taking a minute, even a second to stop and smell the roses.  Here in Southern California, everyone seem so busy these days that tasks get stacked and we all find little time to complete them all.  We set high standards for completing things each day that sometimes we need to pause and think about life, the people in our lives and how much we need to appreciate what we have because nobody on this earth is here forever.  Deep topic?.. yeah I intended on having one since this one has been on my mind for quite some time now and what better way to express it, but by laying it out here right on my blog.  Honestly, this blog is like my small getaway from the everyday mundane of life's todo list.  For some odd reason, rainy days gets me thinking a lot about life and everything it has to offer.  I know, there should be more days where I can focus on living this legacy where anyone who hears my name knows that i've been a great person and know's that I could be the best person that I can be.  What I'm trying to say is that with all of our busy schedules, we put aside some time, any time to thank or help a person in need.  One word can mean the world to somebody else.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Rainy day's in Los Angeleees...

Welcome back rainy weather!  Its the beginning of October and last week it truly felt like a late late summer.  I thought summer was done with?!  So this week has been cold, whet, and claps of thunder revisit the lovely skies.  I know, you're probably thinking, why is this guy so into the cold and rainy weather for??  I'll tell you why... You're able to dress up and wear jackets and the air feels so crisp and clean.  The sound of rain drops is romantic to me just hearing it hit the glass pane and also makes for a good nights sleep.  My baby even mentioned that their was a possible chance of hail.. ooh now that be a sight!  If it's ever too cold to sleep, go and cuddle.  That's what helps me keep enough warmth for the night and a nice high thread count comforter.  I remember when I used to live up North in the Bay area, nights would get as low as 30 degrees and those were some beyond cold nights!  brrrr...  So I heard its going to be sunny tomorrow, which im hoping it won't be but sun once in awhile can't hurt.  But for now, take out those umbrella's and lets splash some puddles!